
Showing posts from May, 2020

Post Julius Caesar

Aftermath to the Murder Caesar's adopted son (Octavian) takes over at 18 Mark Antony-experienced general Lepidus-powerful politician Lepidus forced to retire Octavian and Mark Antony are rivals Mark Antony partners up with Cleopatra Militarily personally politically economically Octavian defeats them at Battle of Actium Octavian is unchallenged ruler of Rome Given honorific "Augustus" (exalted one) Given title "Imperator" (Supreme military commander) Rome is empire began stable  era of peace and prosperity (Pax Romana) (207 years) expanded Roman Empire into Africa  Set up civil service to run gov. built roads collect taxes postal service administer grain supply built awesome public faciliries buildings/aquducts poliv department fire fighting organization DIED of natural causes New Emperors Tiberius good genereal reluctant emperor exiled himself and left prefects in charge after son's death Caligula Rule...

Punic Wars

Roman Army 5000 soldier elite heavy infanrtry Roman citizzens 80 people-century horseback-cavalry used shields, swords, daggers, armor, and tunics The Rome fought against Carthage in the Punic Wars (264-146 BC). There were three  wars. They were fighting for control. First Punic War (264-241 BCE) Naval battles for Sicily ROME WINS Second Punic War (218-201 BCE) Carthaginian general Hannibal ALMOST takes Rome attacks from North Lays siege to peninsula for 15 years but NEVER gets to Rome ROME WINS Third Punic War (149-146 BCE) Rome wants to remove threat of Carthage Attacked city Carthage burned and buildings destroyed War ended and last people sold into slavery Carthage territories annexed and made into Roman province of Africa Aftermath Slaves poured into Italy over 1,000,000 slaves in Italy small farmers lost land to aristocrats is they couldn't pay debt Slaves worked on farms for rich big farms=massive estates-latifundia Ho...

Rome vs. Modern Day US

Tarquin Seized power like a tyrant Grandfather (fifth king) dies. Widow makes Servius Tulllius king because he is better than her own sons. S.T's daughters marry Tarquin and other brother. Other daughter (Tullia) kills husband and sister. Leaves her to marry Tarquin  Tullia gets Tarquin to seize throne from father. He is now king. S.T objects so Tarquin has him assassinated. Does not bury body. Assassinates senators who object.  Tarquin's son Sextus and friends drink. Sextus forces himself on matron, Lucretia. She refuses. He threatens to kill her and blackmails her. She confesses to family and kills herself. Tarquin tries to cover it up, but people rose against whol family and expelled them from Rome Rome then NEVER wanted kings again Government Kings replaced with TWO CONSULS elected officials term of office is one year patricians (aristocrats) Patricians traced descent from famous ancestor or pater (father) Duties? dealing justice making law command...

Rome Notes

Etruscans north-central part of peninsula metalworkers, artists, architects Foundation myths Virgil Aeneid (Aeneas escapes from Troy) Remus and Romulus Greeks Settled in Rome Many colonies around Mediterranean Sea Romans borrow Greek ideas religion alphabet art military techniques + weapons Latins FIRST settled in Rome Indo-European descendants settle in banks of Tiber trading ships navigate as far as Rome commercial port built on seven hills (Palatine) Drained swamp marshy area (Forum) between Palatine and Capitoline Hills Tarquin the Proud's grandfather built Cloaca Maxima (largest ancient drain. Channeled water to Tiber Tarquin the Proud (Arrogant) seventh and FINAL king of Rome True tyrant (Old and modern sense of word)

Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome

I honestly probably shouldn't have listened to this while I was sleep deprived with my headphones at full volume. I don't know if this happened because I was laughing or sleep deprived or both, but I started crying. I started freaking crying. It is a masterpiece. This is gonna be stuck in my head for the rest of quarantine. But actually though, it seemed to have a detailed outline of the things we are going to cover in this unit and it tied in some of the things that we have already learned, and I think that it was well-made.

The Twelve Tables

The Twelve Tables was an important part of the plebeians life and politics. It was a physically written set of laws that were created to make sure that the patricians didn't alter the law in their favor. They were not exactly a constitution, but it was a compilation of laws that were already established which reflected the rural aspects of the people. Throughout time, these laws were edited and were added to as Roman society grew. In order to add to these laws, there was a process that needed to be followed. There were three types of assemblies. The Centuriate assembly, which were voters grouped by property and military class, the tribal assembly, which were voters grouped by geography, and the plebeian assembly, which were voter consisting of only plebeians. The senate would propose a law and then give the people time to discuss and debate about it. Afterwords, the citizens would vote on this matter. There was a structure to how a Roman law was written. First, there was the preamb...

Roman Architecture

This is Trajan's Colu mn. It is very tall and has a lot of beautifully carved mythological creatures and other deities or figures carved all around the entirety of this structure.