Post Julius Caesar
Aftermath to the Murder Caesar's adopted son (Octavian) takes over at 18 Mark Antony-experienced general Lepidus-powerful politician Lepidus forced to retire Octavian and Mark Antony are rivals Mark Antony partners up with Cleopatra Militarily personally politically economically Octavian defeats them at Battle of Actium Octavian is unchallenged ruler of Rome Given honorific "Augustus" (exalted one) Given title "Imperator" (Supreme military commander) Rome is empire began stable era of peace and prosperity (Pax Romana) (207 years) expanded Roman Empire into Africa Set up civil service to run gov. built roads collect taxes postal service administer grain supply built awesome public faciliries buildings/aquducts poliv department fire fighting organization DIED of natural causes New Emperors Tiberius good genereal reluctant emperor exiled himself and left prefects in charge after son's death Caligula Rule...