Post Julius Caesar

Aftermath to the Murder
  • Caesar's adopted son (Octavian) takes over at 18
    • Mark Antony-experienced general
    • Lepidus-powerful politician
  • Lepidus forced to retire
  • Octavian and Mark Antony are rivals
  • Mark Antony partners up with Cleopatra
    • Militarily
    • personally
    • politically
    • economically
  • Octavian defeats them at Battle of Actium
  • Octavian is unchallenged ruler of Rome
  • Given honorific "Augustus" (exalted one)
  • Given title "Imperator" (Supreme military commander)
  • Rome is empire
  • began stable era of peace and prosperity (Pax Romana) (207 years)
    • expanded Roman Empire into Africa 
    • Set up civil service to run gov.
      • built roads
      • collect taxes
      • postal service
      • administer grain supply
      • built awesome public faciliries
        • buildings/aquducts
      • poliv department
      • fire fighting organization
    • DIED of natural causes
    New Emperors
    • good genereal
    • reluctant emperor
    • exiled himself and left prefects in charge after son's death
    • Ruled only 4 years
    • power struggle after Tiberius death
    • known for cruelty, extravagance and perversity
    • Assassinated by group of praetorian guard, senators, and imperial court trying to re-establish Republic
    • cerebral palsey
    • took over as last adult male in family
    • ruled well
      • built roads
      • aquducts
      • canals
      • started conquest of Britain
    • He was poisoned by wife
    • emphasized arts
    • HUGE fire
    • wanted to rebuild Rome majestic
    • HUGELY overspent and raided temples for money


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