Rome vs. Modern Day US


  • Seized power like a tyrant
    • Grandfather (fifth king) dies. Widow makes Servius Tulllius king because he is better than her own sons. S.T's daughters marry Tarquin and other brother. Other daughter (Tullia) kills husband and sister. Leaves her to marry Tarquin
    •  Tullia gets Tarquin to seize throne from father. He is now king. S.T objects so Tarquin has him assassinated. Does not bury body. Assassinates senators who object. 
    • Tarquin's son Sextus and friends drink. Sextus forces himself on matron, Lucretia. She refuses. He threatens to kill her and blackmails her. She confesses to family and kills herself. Tarquin tries to cover it up, but people rose against whol family and expelled them from Rome
  • Rome then NEVER wanted kings again
  • Kings replaced with TWO CONSULS
    • elected officials
    • term of office is one year
    • patricians (aristocrats)
    • Patricians traced descent from famous ancestor or pater (father)
    • Duties?
      • dealing justice
      • making law
      • commanding army
    • One could reduce the other's power or veto them
  • fifth century BCE-patrician dominance of gov. challenged by plebs
  • plebs=98% of population
  • How did patricians dominate?
    • plebs had to serve in army and could not hold office
    • plebs threatened with debt slavery
    • had no legal rights
  • Plebs are victims of discriminatory decisions in judicial trials
  • Rome had unwritted customs. No actual laws UNTIL The Law of the Twelve Tables
  • Tribunes were elected
  • Brand new republic, ready to run
  • Democracy-the people's assembly and tribunes
  • aristocracy-senate (300 members)
  • monarchy (consuls)
  • NOT A TYRANNY (because tarquin)
Roman vs USA gov
  • USA modeled new gov on Romans
  • not EXACTLY the same
  • Three gov branches (executive legislative and judicial
  • BOTH have legal code
Rome executive
  • two consuls
  • one year term
  • veto power
  • controls military
  • appoint dictator in crisis for six month term
US executive
  • President and VP
  • four year terms
  • veto proposed laws
  • commander in chief of military
  • Senate and aristocrats (300)
  • Assemblies (Centuriate or Tribal)
    • members for life
    • 193-373
  • Senate (100)
    • six year term
  • House of reps
    • 435 members
    • two year terms
  • Praetors
  • chosen by Centuriate
  • one year term
  • Supreme court
  • nine members
  • liftime terms
  • appointed by president confirmed by senate
Legal code
  • Twelve Tables
    • publicly displayed
    • gave plebeian rights
    • protected free born male citizens
  • Bill of rights
  • first ten amendments of Constitution


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