Rome Notes


  • north-central part of peninsula
  • metalworkers, artists, architects
  • Foundation myths
    • Virgil Aeneid (Aeneas escapes from Troy)
    • Remus and Romulus
Greeks Settled in Rome
  • Many colonies around Mediterranean Sea
  • Romans borrow Greek ideas
    • religion
    • alphabet
    • art
    • military techniques + weapons
Latins FIRST settled in Rome
  • Indo-European descendants
  • settle in banks of Tiber
  • trading ships navigate as far as Rome
  • commercial port
  • built on seven hills (Palatine)
Drained swamp
  • marshy area (Forum) between Palatine and Capitoline Hills
  • Tarquin the Proud's grandfather built Cloaca Maxima (largest ancient drain.
    • Channeled water to Tiber
Tarquin the Proud (Arrogant)
  • seventh and FINAL king of Rome
  • True tyrant (Old and modern sense of word)


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