Punic Wars

Roman Army
  • 5000 soldier
    • elite heavy infanrtry
    • Roman citizzens
  • 80 people-century
  • horseback-cavalry
  • used shields, swords, daggers, armor, and tunics
The Rome fought against Carthage in the Punic Wars (264-146 BC). There were three wars. They were fighting for control.

First Punic War (264-241 BCE)
  • Naval battles for Sicily
Second Punic War (218-201 BCE)
  • Carthaginian general Hannibal ALMOST takes Rome
  • attacks from North
  • Lays siege to peninsula for 15 years but NEVER gets to Rome
Third Punic War (149-146 BCE)
  • Rome wants to remove threat of Carthage
  • Attacked city
  • Carthage burned and buildings destroyed
  • War ended and last people sold into slavery
  • Carthage territories annexed and made into Roman province of Africa
  • Slaves poured into Italy
  • over 1,000,000 slaves in Italy
  • small farmers lost land to aristocrats is they couldn't pay debt
  • Slaves worked on farms for rich
  • big farms=massive estates-latifundia
How do you keep plebs from revolting?
  • bread and circuses
  • bread-free grain from the state
  • entertainment-circus maximus, collosseum.
    • keepts them alive, quiet, distracted, and docile


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