The Plague in Athens vs. COVID-19

The plague in Athens was caused during the Peloponesian war. When they went overseas, they caught this plague. It devastated Athens. The laws about Athenian citizens became stricter, the citizens soon lacked a need to regard laws and/or religion. This plague is similar to the coronavirus because obviously, it is a new sickness that we are not sure how to combat. We have to be stricter on ourselves. We need to refrain from traveling and only go out when we need to, such as getting food. Other than that, we are encouraged to stay home. I feel as though there are also many people who are starting to doubt both the government, and in some cases their religious belief if they have any. In my religion class, we were asked to reflect on the coronavirus and how it affected us as Catholics. In many cases, people are starting to doubt God and challenges us to not go to church. However, I would say that the only difference in these two pandemics is the symptoms. I feel as though the plague in Athens was a lot more noticeable. People could tell whether or not you had the plague. In our case, it is much more hidden, and people are unsure whether or not they have the coronavirus.


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