
During class today, we continued to take notes on the Greek powerpoint. We focused on a couple of Greek tyrants. Hippias was a tyrant from 527-510 BCE. When his brother was murdered, his rule became harsh. He was eventually expelled or ostracized from Athens. He then began to work with a Persian King (Darius I) and helped him invade Marathon. Next in line was Isagoras and Cleisthenes, aristocrats in a power struggle. Isagoras had support from some fellow aristocrats as well as Sparta. Meanwhile, Cleisthenes had support from the majority of the common Athenians. Eventually, Isagoras became a tyrant in Athens. He ostracizes Cleisthenes. Since Cleisthenes had the support of many of the common Athenians, they revolted against the government. They trapped Isagoras on the acropolis for two days, but on the third, he fled, and was banished from Athens.


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