Midterm Essay Draft

Stage one of the demographic transitions is when both the crude death rate and crude birth rate are very high. The numbers cancel each other out and result in a stable RNI. This stage is for pre-industrial countries that are still developing. (COUNTRIES?) When a country reaches stage two of the demographic transition, that means that the country’s crude death rate falls rapidly, while the birth rate stays more or less the same, high. The United States reached stage two in the 1800’s during the Industrial Revolution. The industrial revolution was when the U.S started to improve their hygiene and technological advances. By doing this, they were taking care of themselves more, therefore elongating the average lifespan. Although these things were happening, people still had a habit of having more children because they were not aware of their now longer lifespan, resulting in rapid population growth.
Stage 3 is when both the death rate and birth rate fall. It slows the RNI, but it is still increasing slowly. In the United States, people realize that people are living longer, and women start to have smaller families, instead of families consisting of five to six kids. Contraceptives are also starting to rise, preventing women from getting pregnant. (COUNTRY?) Stage 4 is similar to stage 3. The birth and death rate are both low, so the RNI is now a stable, and slowly increases. This is when a country has finally stabilized. This is the stage that the United States is currently in.
Stage 5 is a stage in the demographic transition that many people did not think could be achievable. It is a stage in which the death rate exceeds the birth rate, and the RNI becomes a slow increase. Although not many countries have reached this stage, Japan, Germany, and Ukraine have. Their population is slowly decreasing. There are both pros and cons to this. The pros being that since the population is decreasing, there are less people to manage. There could be more food and money for the citizens. However, there are just as many cons as pros. There are less people to fulfill the positions of jobs needed to keep the nation alive, such as construction workers doctors.


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