
Showing posts from November, 2019


During class, Nick took the test since he was absent yesterday. Then Mr. Schick yelled at Cristo because why not? Afterwords, we looked over the World Religions test. The questions I got wrong were the ones that I expected, so I wasn't too worried or stressed over it. I believe that I did pretty well on it. After this mod, we finally get off school for our Thanksgiving Break. Instead of my house, we're going to my aunt's house to celebrate. My sister Danica is really mad about that because we always had Thanksgiving at our house, so it's kind of been a tradition. But more importantly, we just got rid of our old, crusty dusty tv and got a better one, and she wanted to watch the football game on it. Also my cousin who just immigrated from the Philippines to live in America is coming over too. I've only met a fraction of my cousins in person because most of them are living in the Philippines, so I'm really excited to meet her.

5 Major Religions Quiz

During class, we took the World Religions quiz, which had the five major religions that we were discussing in class, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. The test was easy for me, and I think that I did okay, despite the fact that there were a few questions I wasn't too sure about. Mainly, I struggled with the questions that talked about when a religion was founded, or what religion was older. Other than that, I think I did well.


I wasn't in class today because I had an orthodontist appointment to go to, and now my teeth hurt... :(

Populations and Settlement/ Population Pyramid Test

During class, we took the populations and settlement and population pyramid test. Honestly, I think that the test was manageable. There were a couple questions that I wasn't too sure about, but I think that I did alright.

Cannibalism and Having Kids is FUN!!! 😃

At the beginning of class, the last group presented their slides. They brought up piracy in Somalia and Japan's decreasing population. They suggested to make kids look cute and fun! After we finished, Mr. Schick told us to grade our group, including ourselves. I believed that our group did really well together, so I gave each of us an exceptional grade. While grading ourselves, we discussed solving world hunger. For some reason it turned into us talking about cannibalism and how it'll solve world hunger and over population. . . . . . (._.) Why is this class like this? The whole class was literally like, Cannibalism and Having Kids is FUN!!! :D F  is for friends who do stuff together U  is for you and me N  is for anything, anything at ALL HERE IN THE DEEP BLUE SEA - Spongebob Squarepants

Developing and Post Industrial Countries Oral Presentation

During class, we shared our slide presentations. The first group to share was George, Austin, Nora, and Bridget. The two countries that they did was the United States and Afghanistan. The next group that went was my group and I, with Lizzy, Emily, Caroline, and Joi. Personally, I think that we did well, better than I expected. After that, another group went. Next class, the last group will go.

Developing and Post Industrial countries project pt.3

During class, we had one final day to work on our project. My group and I looked over our slides and discussed who would be reading what. We tried to polish up our slides and fix any errors we saw. We also tried to practice speaking so that we are more comfortable with talking about this subject.

Developing + Post-Industrial Project pt.2

During class, we continued to work in our groups and got farther along in the slides. We finished writing down the general problems for both Italy and Puerto Rico. We also figured out some solutions for the problems. We are presenting our project on Tuesday.

Developing + Post Industrial Countries

During class, we separated into different groups. I am grouped with Emily, Caroline, Joi, and Lizzy. We are working on the countries Italy and Puerto Rico. So far, we have some of the problems that are apparent in each country and we put them on our slide presentation.

Semester Exam Review

In Human Geo, we answered thirty seven questions out loud in class. The questions were pulled directly from the semester exam so that we could have a chance to review before the exam happens in December. The questions that we reviewed were about, population and settlement, population pyramids, and more. I got called on one time and got it wrong. I kept second guessing myself because of my anxiety. Then I got called on again and got it right. Mr. Schick said that he'd give us the essay questions that are going to be on the exams so we can study it. He said that there would probably be five essay questions, but we only have to answer two.

In-Class Population Assignment

Population and Migration Syria is the country with the highest net migration rate. Syria has the highest net migration rate at 57 migrants per 1,000. This surprised me because I didn't think that people would migrate there because of the ongoing war/dispute. In Costa Rica, the 44.04% of people are 25-54 years old. This shows that the population will grow slowly and steadily. The infant mortality rate in the world is 32 deaths per 1,000.   31.4% of the world is Christian. The world's population rate is 1.05% Population Pyramids Madagascar Population will grow quickly Australia Population will grow slowly Philippines Population will grow quickly Finland Population will grow slowly South Korea Population declines