Future Letter

Dear old hag,
        this is literally the second letter to your future self that you have written during the frickin corona virus pandemic. It's the third you've written in your lifetime so far. Anyways, how are you? That's a stupid question. I'm writing this at 5:16 AM on June 1st 2020. I did not slep so forgive me if there are any grammatical errors and weird rants and stuff but also, don't be surprised. Also it's June. And like, if you wanna skip all this and just read the last two paragraphs (the most sentimental parts i guess) then uhhh you can. i guess.
        First of all, let me just REMIND you of the things that has happened so far in this pandemic. You talked to yourself in front of the mirror, you had the WEIRDEST dreams, you baked a lot, you did some crazy and scary makeup looks. You got closer with your sisters and you started watching Supernatural and listening to Girl in Red *hint *hint *wink *wink. You painted literally everything in your room, then absolutely destroyed your desk. Also you probably gained 100 million frickin pounds from eating because you were bored and it was the only thing to do.You cut your bangs incorrectly. I mean come on...you're supposed to have the mental breakdown BEFORE you cut your bangs, not after you big ol dum dum.
        I'm curious though, how long did you have these bangs? Do you still have them? Actually, never mind. You most definitely do not have bangs at 60...cuz you probably already shaved off all your hair by now. Don't deny it I KNOW YOU! Also like...if you haven't shaved off all your hair yet...I know you know where the clippers are so do it. Do It. DO IT! Speaking of hair, I haven't done it yet, but over the summer, when the hair dressers open, you best believe I'm gonna dye my hair pink.
       Speaking of this summer, there are so many things that I want to do but can't. Like, I wanna go rock climbing, I wanna go to the pool, the beach, I wanna paint some more crap in my room, take really cute pictures with my friends and hang them up on my wall because my walls look SO barren, and I wanna dye my hair, be a junior counselor at beachmont again, go to the carnival, and go fishing, and boating. Dude, you haven't even been outside yet. The only time you've been outside during this pandemic was that one time you went to Rite Aid to get fake nails with Danica.
        So, how are your sisters? If I'm 60, then Julia would be 68 and Danica would b 64. I honestly would not be surprised if Danica was arrested or dead by now. That was grim. Like, Julia I doubt she would die at that age, unless she has a heart attack, which she probably won't because she is like, so healthy and she makes healthy food and stuff, but then again she might get into the habit of drinking coffee all day err' day also you know that our family has a really bad heart problems sooo...HONESTLY! If I am reading this by 60, I'm surprised I'M not dead. Like, I do some STUPID crap. Wait a minute, my parents are probably ded. If I'm 60, then they would be...(I had to get my calculator) 95ish. They would be around 95. Oh God. aight.
         Do you have kids? Probably. Like, are they adopted or like, your actual kids. This kind of remids me of a conversation I had with Sydney. We were talking about kids and I said that being offered to be a godmother would be a nice gesture, but then she cut me off and said she wouldn't trust me with her kids. Then I was playing Episode and then there was a thing with these kids, and they grew up awful so I pray to the LORDY LORD that your kids if you have any are WAY better off than my fake kids in Episode. (please don't download it again IT'S A TRAP)
        By the way, I don't know if you remember all of my friends rn. There's Michael, Sydney, Lizzy, Emma, Kaylie, Anna, Dylan, Ty, and Maddie. There's also your St. Stephen friends that you stopped hanging out with because high school. You better be friends with at least some of them, because they are literally the best. You can literally say your most inapropro jokes to Ty, Michael, and Emma. You can laugh at the stupidest things with Sydney. Lizzy and Anna always have your back. Maddie is SUCH a sweetie pie. Dylan is so funny and you can laugh about dumb Barbie movies, and you can make all the Asian jokes with Kaylie.
         I honestly hope that you're doing well. I hope you have a real nice house and a doggo and spouse and kids and that you have completely GLOWED UP. I hope you still get along with your sisters and cousins and that they're not dead. I hope you reach out to your old friends and catch up if you have time. They're literally everything to me. I hope your art skills have flourished. I hope the world is better in your time and in your kids' time because not gonna lie, America kind of really sucks right now because corona and racism and pride-fall :( If you're going through something right now, I know that you'll get through it because it can't get any worse than this right? If you're fighting with friends or something and they're being absolutely unreasonable and crusty dusty you don't need them. You're such a baddie and you don't need any toxicity in your life. The ONLY toxic, and I mean the ONLY toxic thing you need in your life is that one Britney Spears song. Also good luck in the rest of your life. Ramona, you probably just skipped to this part because either, you're a frickin loser, OR you're too successful of a QUEEN that you have absolutely NO time for reading silly little letters. You probably thought this was one of your MANY fan letters that just somehow stumbled into office so you got your super hot, but not hotter than you, girl secretary wearing a suit to read it to you, but then as soon as she said the words "dear old hag," you probably demanded her to throw it into your golden trash can that automatically burns hate because nobody, absolutely NOBODY talks to ME like that. I don't know why I got so specific. I want to keep typing because nobody's awake to talk to me right now...it's 6:00 AM. I'll stop though. bye.

15 y/o Ramona


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