The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization pt. 2

During class today, Mr. Schick wasn't there, so we had a sub. We finished watching the video and took notes on it. In Athens there was a lot of trade involved. People would trade things suck as gold, art, swordfish, etc. These trades helped with Athens expansion, but something that really helped them expand were their marvelous vases. Potters were considered the scum of the Earth, but they developed a new painting style that is still popular today. In 527 BC, Athens' ruler died, so his son took over. His name was Hippias. At first, he had a goal in mind. He was a good ruler that wanted to send Athens down the road of glory, however, after the death of his brother, he became bitter. He resented everyone and became paranoid. He was a tyrant. Cleisthenes then tried to overthrow him, and eventually, he was banished from the city state. Cleisthenes had fulfilled his dream of becoming a "hero." around 716 BC, nearly two centuries before Cleisthenes' time, there was something invented called the Olympic games. They were games for the wealthy men to participate in, but since Cleisthenes took over, he changed them. He gave all citizens (men who owned land), rich or poor, the ability to participate in the games so that they might achieve fame and glory. All seems well for now, but the more favorable he became, the more conspirators he gained. A aristocrat named Isagoras conspired against him. He even went to Sparta, a city state that rivals Athens, for support. They agreed and eventually, Athens was defeated. Cleisthenes was exiled, and Sparta was now ruling over Athens. However, this did not last. The common people were furious and revolted against them in 508 BC. Isagoras was backed into a corner and was forced to surrender. Afterwards, the people didn't know what to do. The only person they could turn to was none other than Cleisthenes. They brought him back from exile and he figured out a new government. Democracy. He created a simple system in which during political disputes, the people would vote by tossing a white pebble in a pot for yes, or a black pebble in the pot for no. This system was used for all political disputes/decision making from the increase of taxes, to the waging of war.


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