It'S CoRonA TImE

During class, we talked about the corona virus. We were caught up with what's happening and how we can prevent it by washing our hands CORRECTLY and using hand sanitizer before and after classes. Tomorrow we have a half day because the teachers have a meeting regarding how they're going to deal with online classes and work since we'll be out of school for two weeks. As of right now, I'm not sure what to think of the situation because I doubt I'll be affected because I am perfectly healthy and have a better immune system compared to others. Tomorrow, we have to take all of our books home to prepare for the two weeks we'll be out of school. We might be out of school for longer depending on how bad the situation becomes. This honestly sucks so much because I REALLY don't want to just stay literally QUARANTINED at home because it's so boring. There's literally nothing to do at my house except draw. Yes, it's fun, but I sometimes need a little something something to SPICE things up, you know? I'm also probably not going to see my friends for awhile because my parents are a little bit paranoid. Like, we stocked up our pantry and everything. I mean, we didn't HOARD everything, but still. I honestly am so tired right now. It's 9:36 and I just want to sleep but I have to finish my homework because I may or may not have accidentally taken a three hour nap from 4:00-7:00. I really should just stop typing now and finish all of my other crap, but I really don't feel like doing it. Like, it doesn't even matter because the only other homework I have is english and I don't even HAVE english tomorrow, but I should probably do it soon or I'm gonna be swamped with other work over the next 2+ weeks, and I know that I'm going to be way too lazy about it if I don't finish now. I keep telling myself that I'll just do it tomorrow during my off mod, but let's be honest here, there is a VERY slim chance of me doing that. If you're still reading this, like, bruh. Why did you even read an entire freaking ESSAY of me complaining about this stuff? okay, imma head out now cuz I need to SLEEP. bai.


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