Greek Philosophers

In the beginning of class, we took some notes on some pages in the textbook. Afterwards, we took some notes on the powerpoint. The first philosopher that we looked at was Socrates. He was a man that turned to science and logic, rather than believe in the gods and goddesses. He developed the socratic method, a way of finding out another's beliefs by asking questions. This can also help the other person realize their own beliefs. Due to him using the socratic method on the youth, as well as turning to logic, he was charged with two crimes: Impiety and corruption of the youth. During the trial, he was very sassy and sarcastic. Rather than apologize, he called himself a gadfly, and called the entire city state of Athens a lazy horse, and to top it all off, he said that instead of sentencing him to death, they should thank him with free dinners. The court was outraged, and many people voted him guilty. He was made to drink hemlock poison, which would eventually be his demise. There was one last philosopher that we talked about today, and that is Plato. Plato was actually Socrates' pupil. He wrote of Socrates' teachings. He wrote The Republic which was a Socrates discussion of justice and the ideal state of most influential books on philosophy. This also included The Allegory in the Cave.


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