Crucible of Civilization-Empire of the Mind

Sparta invaded Athenian territory. While the Athenians could only watch. However, Pericles convinced them to stick with his plan. The city relied on shipments overseas in order to survive. But the fleet carried a greater threat. The plague. Since the population stayed behind the walls, crowded, then the disease was easy to spread. It was horrific, killing a third of the population. Pericles could not have predicted this. It became so bad that people stopped caring for laws and religion. They stopped trying to be good citizens. Eventually, the disease hit Pericles. Soon, he was inevitably killed in 429 BC after six months. His plan was meant to bring Athens to glory, but he inadvertently brought sickness and disease instead. His death made the those who hated him love and appreciate him, making them realize that he had been the main protector of public safety. Those who loved him grieved and the flaws of Athenian Democracy were highlighted. Since their one ruelr died, the people did anything and everything in order to gain more power.


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