
During this time of distress, we are all experiencing new things. We are learning to be much more distant from people and are relying on our technology to communicate as well as spend time with other. As students, we are learning to learn more independently. As teachers, you are learning to give meaningful assignments that will impact a student's learning. There are many difficulties as well as temptations that go along with this. On the student side, there are difficulties learning how to teach ourselves and become more responsible with our work. We need to work harder in order to understand the material that we are needing to learn. Personally, I find it rather difficult to teach something to myself. It's much better for me if someone is to explain all of these new things to me. Although this is difficult, I need to work harder to keep up with the work. Before, we had all of our teachers in the same building, and we could communicate more easily to them. Even though we can email our teachers, sometimes it takes a while for them to respond because they need to grade all of their other students' assignments. Teachers must also have it so difficult because many of them need to adjust to a new learning style. They need to create lesson plans that will make it easier for the students to learn online. Not only are there difficulties in learning online, there are also many temptations. At John Carroll School, we have an honor code that we sign on our assignments and tests. However, what is stopping the other students from violating it and cheating on a test? There is no way for a teacher to know whether or not they looked up the answers or had the help of a friend. There is also some temptations with teachers. What is stopping them from grading a student's work well to make sure they understand? The online learning experience is very difficult. Something that I also find difficult is social distancing. Though it may not seem like it I absolutely love talking to people. I love talking to my friends and I really enjoy my time with them. However, in the past few weeks, I have not been able to see them. Yes, I can facetime them, but it's just not the same as in person. Sometimes they're busy with school work and I can't call them. I feel like I'm going insane. Whenever my friends can't facetime, (this is where it gets kind of sad) I'll talk to myself in the mirror. There is also almost nothing to do in my house. Sometimes I eat because I'm bored. Not because I'm particularly hungry, but because I'm bored. I'll also take like, 2-5 hour long naps throughout the day. The only good things about taking a bunch of naps throughout the day is that I get to sleep, and I'll have really weird and vivid dreams which makes for some fun conversation with my friends. However, it makes me feel like I'm not doing anything. I feel so lazy and I honestly hate it. Although this experience has been very difficult and challenging, it has made me think back on all the things that I wish I could have done. I could have hung out with my friends more often. I could have gone out more. I realize now that I've taken all of that for granted. I swear to God, as soon as this quarantine is over, I'm going to go to the mall, the avenue, mini golfing, swimming, and rock climbing. Life is way too short to be boring.


  1. Ramona, thank you for sharing your thoughts and emotions about this difficult situation. There is nothing easy about this kind of isolation. The school part, which you pointed out, takes a lot of adjustment (for students and teachers). But the part you emphasized - the social distancing - is just as difficult, and just as important to deal with. FaceTiming is good, napping is good (just ask me!), and I am okay with talking to yourself in the mirror, as long as you don't start arguing! When we get back to JC, it is going to feel so fresh and fun for everybody. Until then, we will just keep putting one foot in front of the other, even if it feels like we aren't getting anywhere!


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