Make-up work day

For class today, it was kind of like a study hall for all the kids who missed their school work due to sickness. I just finished taking notes on pages 35-43 and did some work for my other subjects.

Here are some of the notes I took:
Delta-marshy region formed by deposits of silt at the moth of a river
Narmer- A king that ruled upper and lower Egypt
Pharaoh-A king of Ancient Egypt, considered a god as well as a political and military leader
Theocracy- A gov. where a ruler is viewed as a divine figure
Pyramid-A massive structure w/ rectangular base + four triangular sides, like those that were built in Egypt as burial places for Old Kingdom pharaohs
Mummification- The process of embalming and drying corpses to prevent them from decaying
Hieroglyphics- an ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures are used to represent ideas and sounds
Papyrus-A tall reed that grows in the Nile delta, used by Ancient Egyptians to make a paper-like material for writing on.

Religion and Life
  • Polytheistic
    • Re-Sun god
    • Osiris- Death godd
    • Isis- Mother and wife
  • Temples honor the gods
  • Afterlife
    • Judged for deeds when they die
    • Bodies preserved through mummification

Life and Egyptian Society
  • Pyramids (Hierarchy)
  • Slaves
  • Low + middle class can rise in rank by:
    • Marriage
    • Success in job
    • Reading and writing
  • Woman also had some rights

Egyptian handwriting
Hieroglypics- writing system. usually written on papyrus

Egyptian Science and Tech
  • invented calendar
  • Divided into years, months, days (Almost perfectly accurate)
  • Architects used columns in buildings
  • Used medicine, splints, surgery, etc.
Invaders Control Egypt4
  • Pharaoh's power declined
  • Strong pharaohs regain control during middle kingdom
    • Restored law and order
    • Did not last
  • Hyksos ruled Egypt 1630-1523 bc
    • Rulers of foreign land


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