Demographic Transition video notes

Khan Academy Video:
  1. Stabilized demographic transitions are often seen in industrialized countries rather than in developing countries
  2. Many countries have a positive growth rate because children can work to support their family as well as both religious and cultural beliefs.
  3. Although children working to support their family is considered a reason for a positive growth rate, it could also become an reason for a decline in the growth rate. There are many people that don't want children because of the economic burden they bring.

Video from Kim Smith, Ph.D.
  1. From the time of the Agricultural Revolution to the Industrial Revolution, only about 67,000 people were born every year, however, right now, we gain that many people every 7 or 8 hours
  2. Around the 1700's, many people were dying of disease, war, and famine. In order to make up for that, people were having lots of children. When the Industrial Revolution happened, people were improving their health and sanitation. People were dying less because of this, but they were still having a lot of children. 
  3. Cultural lag- The technology that improved mortality rates changed faster than the country's ability to adapt.

Why Populations Grow
  1. Doubling time is the estimated time it would take for a country to double in size. In order to predict this, you divide 70 by the current growth rate.
  2. In demographic transitions, there are normally 4 stages, however, due to the declining birth rate in countries such as Japan, people have added a fifth stage, in which the population declines.
  3. The different stages of the demographic transitions can correspond to the different population pyramids.
Personally, I liked the Khan Academy Video because of the visuals. Unlike the other two videos that used pictures, Khan Academy used their own visuals so it can better illustrate what they are trying to say.


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