Grids + Timezones

In class, we learned about grids, maps, and time zones.

Geography-The study of where things are found on Earth's surface and the reasons for the locations. Humans ask TWO simple questions.
     1) Where are people and activities found on Earth?
     2) Why are the found there?
     THE MAP!
          Two dimensional image of Earth's surface, or a portion of it

Maps have two purposes
     1) Absolute + Relative location
     2) Communications tool
          a) Convey activity + Physical features

Absolute locations
     1) Position as expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds of latitude and longitude
          a) 1/360 = 1 degree
          b) 1 degree into 1/60 = 1 minute
          c) 1 minute into 1/60 = 1 second
          d) latitude = north and south
          e) longitude = east and west
     2) Specific, or exact location
Relative locations
     1) Regional position/situation of place relative to position of other place.

Latitude: Geographic coordinate that specifies north and south position of point on Earth's surface. It is measured by imaginary lines running parallel to equator

Some significant parallels are:
Arctic Circle 66 34 (66.57) N -----Antarctic Circle 66 34 (66.57) S
Tropic of Cancer 23 26 (23.43) N-----Tropic of Capricorn 23 26 (23.43) S
Equator (0 N/S)


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