
Showing posts from December, 2019

Midterm Essay

During class, we spent the whole time writing our essay for the midterm. I chose option C, which was the one about the demographic transitions, and I believe that I got most of my points across. I am still anxious because I'm not sure how well I did, but I think I did rather well.

Midterm Essay Draft

Stage one of the demographic transitions is when both the crude death rate and crude birth rate are very high. The numbers cancel each other out and result in a stable RNI. This stage is for pre-industrial countries that are still developing. (COUNTRIES?) When a country reaches stage two of the demographic transition, that means that the country’s crude death rate falls rapidly, while the birth rate stays more or less the same, high. The United States reached stage two in the 1800’s during the Industrial Revolution. The industrial revolution was when the U.S started to improve their hygiene and technological advances. By doing this, they were taking care of themselves more, therefore elongating the average lifespan. Although these things were happening, people still had a habit of having more children because they were not aware of their now longer lifespan, resulting in rapid population growth. Stage 3 is when both the death rate and birth rate fall. It slows the RNI,...

Midterm Essay Outline

OUTLINE Introduction Demographic transitions are the stages that every country goes through to show it’s population. They can show the past, present, and future of a country... Paragraph 2 Pre-Industrial Revolution. Life before the Industrial Revolution. Stage 1 Name countries that are still in stage 1 Niger Developing country TFR-2.66 CBR-22.6 CDR-7.5 CBR and CDR are very high. They cancel each other out CDR-People had crappy hygiene and they’re looking crusty as heck, which is why people keep freaking dying CBR-People know that the average lifespan is low, so they keep having children so that they can work on chores and farms. (Because the other kids keep dying…) RNI is stable (increases slowly) Paragraph 3 During the Industrial Revolution and slightly afterwards Stage 2 Countries in stage 2 Haiti TFR- CBR- CDR- CDR is falls rapidly In the U.S., England, Netherlands, etc. there is the Industr...

Demographic Transitions Quiz

During class, we took a test on the Demographic Transitions. I wasn't too sure about many of the questions, especially the questions that modeled the demographic transitions. I should've looks over that before hand. There were some other questions I wasn't too sure about, but I still think that I did alright. We discussed what's going to happen during our human geo exam. During out next classes we will be looking over the essay questions and we will be able to prepare what we are going to write so we don't make crusty essays.

More on Demographic Transitions

During class we reviewed demographic transitions so that we can understand them better. We clarified what it really is and what the stages mean.  Stage 1 is when both the birth and death rate is high. Since they are both high they cancel each other out, therefore, making the natural increase stable. This stage usually happens in developing countries, and most countries are out of that stage.  Stage 2 is when the birth rate is still high, and the death rate falls dramatically. This causes an increase in the RNI. This usually happens when the country is going through some sort of breakthrough, such as the Industrial Revolution. Stage 3 is when the the birth and death slowly decrease. The RNI will increase at a much slower rate compared to Stage 2. Stage 4 is when the birth rate and death are low. It cancels each other out and it makes the RNI stable, or it will slowly increase. Stage 5 is when the birth is lower than the death rate. The RNI is still stable, ...

Demographic Transition video notes

Khan Academy Video: Stabilized demographic transitions are often seen in industrialized countries rather than in developing countries Many countries have a positive growth rate because children can work to support their family as well as both religious and cultural beliefs. Although children working to support their family is considered a reason for a positive growth rate, it could also become an reason for a decline in the growth rate. There are many people that don't want children because of the economic burden they bring. Video from Kim Smith, Ph.D. From the time of the Agricultural Revolution to the Industrial Revolution, only about 67,000 people were born every year, however, right now, we gain that many people every 7 or 8 hours Around the 1700's, many people were dying of disease, war, and famine. In order to make up for that, people were having lots of children. When the Industrial Revolution happened, people were improving their health and sanitation. Peop...

Demographic Transition

While Lizzy was taking her test, the rest of us annotated 2-3 pages of notes. The notes discussed the four stages of the demographic transition, low growth, high growth, moderate growth, and low growth. Stage 1 is when there is a high CBR and high CDR, so their RNI is very low. In stage 2, there is high growth. There is a high Cbr and a declining CDR, therefore their RNI is very high. From stage 3, the RNI slowly decreases, and eventually, the population will go back to a low growth.