Measuring Population

Crude birth rate-number of births PER 1000 of population
Crude death rate-number of deaths PER 1000 of population

In most countries, population usually increases, but there are some exceptions that make the population drop
- War
- Plague/Disease

rate of natural increase (RNI)
- produced by subtracting death rate from birth rate
- gives annual NATURAL growth rate in percentage form for country or region

Net migration rate-difference between number of persons entering + leaving country during a year.

An excess of persons ENTERING country is net IMMIGRATION
- written as a positive number
ex. Canada has 5.65 migrants per 1000 population
      U.S has 2.45

An excess of persons LEAVING country is net EMIGRATION
- written as a negative number
ex. Mexico has -1.68 migrants per 1000 population

Why do people migrate?
PUSH forces
- Civil war
- Environmental degradation
- unemployment/underemployment
- religion/ethnic persecution

PULL forces
- better economic opportunity
- better health services
- religious freedom
- political freedom


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