
Showing posts from October, 2019

Populations and Settlement Test Review

During class, we looked over the answers for the test we took a couple days ago. We also briefly discussed America's "official" language. There is not an official language because there are so many people immigrating from different countries. The United States is such a diverse country that there can't be an official language when there are so many people from different cultures.

Post Populations and Settlement Test

In Human Geo, we had the test. During the test, we had to do the questions, which I thought was fairly simple. but I messed up on the last one. I think the test was pretty easy, though I probably should've studied the push and pull forces a little bit more. I don't think I did as well as I had hoped, but at the very least, I'm sure I passed.

Populations and Settlement Test Review

For class, we reviewed for the test Looked over slides Talked about some questions on test 15 questions 20 minutes When did we reach one billion people? 1804 10,000 years elapsed 7.6 billion people now Do the math! Rate of Natural Increase (RNI) - Birth minus Death Net Migration Rate - Immigrants - Emigrants  Push and Pull List two push forces List two pull forces Name country and explain the pull and push forces that may review

In Human Geo, we reviewed and looked over the questions and answers for the assignment we had to complete yesterday. We briefly discussed the situation of different countries around the world. We paid a little more attention to Luxembourg due to how fortunate their country is. It is the second richest country in the world has absolutely no enemy countries. questions

What is the population of China, and of India China-1,384,688,986 India-1,296,834,042 What is the Total Fertility rate in Japan? 2 deaths/1,000 live births What is the death rate in El Salvador? 5.8 deaths/1,000 population What percentage of the French identify “none” as their religion? Is this statistic verifiable, and why? 23-28% It is not verifiable because in the 1800's, they stopped keeping track because they believed that their religious beliefs wasn't any of their business What percentage of Mexicans identify themselves as Roman Catholic? 82.7%  What is the GDP - per capita (PPP) in the United States? $59,800 What is the GDP - per capita (PPP) in Nigeria? $5,900 What is the GDP - per capita (PPP) in Luxembourg? $105,100 What percentage of the United States’ population are Internet users? 76.2% What is the number of airports in Russia, and in the United States? Russia- 1,218 United States- 13,513 How many people in the world...

Measuring Population

Crude birth rate-number of births PER 1000 of population Crude death rate-number of deaths PER 1000 of population In most countries, population usually increases, but there are some exceptions that make the population drop - War - Plague/Disease rate of natural increase (RNI) - produced by subtracting death rate from birth rate - gives annual NATURAL growth rate in percentage form for country or region *DON'T FORGET MIGRATION* Net migration rate-difference between number of persons entering + leaving country during a year. An excess of persons ENTERING country is net IMMIGRATION - written as a positive number ex. Canada has 5.65 migrants per 1000 population       U.S has 2.45 An excess of persons LEAVING country is net EMIGRATION - written as a negative number ex. Mexico has -1.68 migrants per 1000 population Why do people migrate? PUSH forces - Civil war - Environmental degradation - unemployment/underemployment - religion/ethni...

Life Expectancy

In class, we learned about life expectancy, the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year. We discussed the differences between the men and women's life expectancy. Some common reasons that men had a lower life expectancy is that they take less care of themselves. If women get sick or have something wrong with them, then they are more likely to go to the doctor's compared to men. I also learned that men have had a higher suicide rate and that they are more men in jail than women. There are also more men in the military compared to women.

Populations and Settlement

The first portion of Human Geo was mainly just a study hall while we waited for David to finish his test. When he did finish, we took notes on the growing population all over the world. We learned about how the United States keeps track of the birth and death rate almost obsessively while other countries do not. Around the 1800's, there were only about 1 billion people on Earth. Now, there are over 7.6 billion people.

Grids, Timezones, Latitude, and Longitude Post Quiz

The quiz today was fairly easy. I did second guess myself occasionally, especially when it came to the time zones. I probably should've studied a little more. I definitely did not get a hundred percent, but I still think I did well.

Grids, Timezones, Latitude, and Longitude QUIZ

During human geo today, we reviewed all the things that is going to be on out test tomorrow, like longitude, latitude, timezones, and grids.

Grids + Timezones: QUIZ :(

During Human Geo class, we reviewed everything that will be on the test. We looked at David and Joi's test questions, and learned that the word carte is french for "map." After we reviewed, we had a 10 question pop quiz to prepare us for the test. It was really stressful because we only had a little over 10 seconds to answer the question. The test will be on: - Grids - Timezone - Longitude + Latitiude      - Meridians      - Parallels - Maps

Grids, Timezones, Latitude, and Longitude Test Questions

1) Name two of map's purposes.                                                                                Answers:      Absolute + Relative location      Communications tool      Convey physical features + activity 2) What directions do lines of latitude run?                                                          Answer:       East-West 3) What directions do lines of longitude run?                                                 ...


In class we learned about longitude and time zones Longitudes are geographic coordinates that specifies wast and west positions of point on Earth's Surface. - Measured by imaginary lines - Runs through poles - Measures degrees east and west from prime meridian -Known as meridians *Prime meridian passes through Greenwich, England and is given the position of 0 degrees longitude* A time zone s a region of the globe. It observes uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes. The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is often used as a synonym for UTC. GMT predates UTC by nearly 300 years. *The Earth is 360 degrees. 360 divided by 24 hour time zones=15 days.*